Headquartered in Manly on Sydney's Northern Beaches, Spark Renewables is made up of a team of passionate and driven renewable energy experts from a wide range of backgrounds, united by our shared passion for driving the energy transition and building Australia’s renewable energy future.

With decades of combined experience in the renewable energy and infrastructure industries, we work collaboratively developing projects in the wind, solar, green hydrogen and storage spaces, as well as prospecting for new projects and technologies to continue building our rapidly expanding development portfolio.


CEO - Anthony Marriner
Anthony Marriner

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Legal Officer - Claire Dawson
Claire Dawson

Chief Legal Officer

Head of Development - Will Stone
Will Stone

Head of Development

Head of Delivery - Brendan McAvoy
Brendan McAvoy

Head of Delivery

Senior Commercial Manager - Stan Kordusic
Stan Kordusic

Senior Commercial Manager

Project development, delivery & operations

Development Engineer - Alejandra Mora
Alejandra Mora

Development Engineer

Development Manager - Alexis Tubb
Alexis Tubb

Development Manager

Head of Grid Connection - Charbel Antoun
Charbel Antoun

Head of Grid Connections

Senior Development Manager - Daniel Leahy
Dan Leahy

Senior Development Manager

Finance and Planning Manager - Farhan Salikin
Farhan Salikin

Finance & Planning Manager

Fazdli Noor (1)
Fazdli Noor

Grid Connection Manager

Development Engineer - Felix Daddo
Felix Daddo

Development Engineer

Engineering & Legal Intern - Georgia Tovich (1)
Georgia Tovich

Engineering & Legal Intern

Senior Legal Counsel - Jacqui Bruyn
Jacqui Bruyn

Senior Legal Counsel

Senior Development Manager & Asset Manager - Julian Kasby
Julian Kasby

Senior Development Manager

Development Manager - Laurie Wallis (1)
Laurie Wallis

Development Manager

Senior Development Engineer - Marcos Venegas
Marcos Venegas

Technical Manager

Senior Communications Manager - Marju Tonisson
Marju Tonisson

Communications Manager

Office & Culture Manager - Paulina Kabaczuk
Paulina Kabazcuk

Office & Culture Manager

Head of Procurement - Peter Seeney
Peter Seeney

Head of Procurement

Solar Development Engineer - Remi Coni
Remi Coni

Solar Engineer

Senior Development Officer - Steven Williams
Steven Williams

Senior Development Officer