Bomen Solar Farm Planning Approval Granted

5 October 2018

Australian renewable energy company Renew Estate has been granted planning approval to build Bomen Solar Farm, a 120 megawatt (MW) project near the Bomen Business Park, approximately 7km northeast of the Wagga Wagga Central Business District. The approved project includes a 40MWh battery storage system.

When built, Bomen Solar Farm will provide enough renewable energy to power the equivalent of approximately 36,000 homes with clean, green energy. The project will utilise tracking photovoltaic (PV) systems which will increase the energy generation at the start and end of each day when energy demand is high. Construction of the project is expected to commence shortly and the project is scheduled to be fully operational by Q4 2019.

Director Simon Currie stated: “All elements needed for development such as connection, procurement, offtake and financing are well advanced, and we will proceed with construction of this project shortly. We believe that the Bomen Solar Farm project will play an important role in the development and expansion of the Bomen Business Park.”

He added, “The recent announcement about the partnership between the Wagga Wagga City Council and Visy to build the Riverina Intermodal Freight and Logistics Hub is very exciting and we are committed to the continuing expansion of Bomen as an industrial hub for NSW.”

“A solar farm of this size plays a key role in both diversifying and strengthening the state’s energy mix. Equally importantly, and this is critical to Renew Estate, this project will deliver a range of enduring and tangible benefits to the local community.”

At its peak, a 120 MW solar farm requires about 200 workers on site.

Mr Currie stated: “We are committed to maximising the opportunities for local industry and service providers in the construction of this project, particularly given the skilled local labour force and strong industrial capabilities of the region. We are collaborating with TAFE Wagga Wagga and Charles Sturt University to discuss research roles, internships and scholarship opportunities.“

Mark Hogan, Managing Director of Wirsol Energy, a major shareholder of Renew Estate, said: “Wirsol Energy owns one of the largest portfolios of solar PV projects in Australia. We are passionate about delivering low-cost solar energy produced by this project to businesses both in the Bomen area and beyond. This is an exciting time for the solar industry in Australia and Bomen Solar Farm will assist Wirsol in reaching our target of 1GW of solar generation in Australia.”

Renew Estate is developing a portfolio of renewable energy projects across Australia. Bomen Solar Farm is the second project to be granted planning approval with the first being the 300 MW Rodds Bay Solar Farm near Gladstone in Queensland, which is one of the largest projects under development in Australia.

Download the full media release here.