Dinawan Solar Farm – Environmental Impact Statement Public Exhibition

Dinawan Solar Farm – Environmental Impact Statement Public Exhibition

17th November 2023

The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Spark Renewables’ Dinawan Solar Farm is on public exhibition from 17 November to 15 December 2023.  You can view the EIS and make a submission on the NSW planning portal.

There will be a separate EIS for the Dinawan Wind Farm in 2024.

The Spark Renewables Team will be setting up temporary offices in Coleambally and Jerilderie during this period and will be on hand to show study results, share project information and answer any questions.

Please drop in and say hello at:

Coleambally – Muddy Duck, 21 Brolga Pl

? Mondays (10am-6pm) & Wednesdays (8am-2pm):

? 20, 22, 27 & 29 November

? 4,6, 11 & 13 December

Jerilderie – 40 Jerilderie St

? Tuesdays (8am-6pm)

? 21 & 28 November

? 5 & 12 December

We hope to see you there!

For more information download:

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Dinawan Energy Hub – Community Investment Offering Survey

Dinawan Energy Hub – Community Investment Offering Survey

17th November 2023

Spark Renewables is investigating a Community Investment Offering that would allow community members to invest in the Dinawan Energy Hub or a community-owned project within/adjacent to the Dinawan Energy Hub.

The Dinawan Energy Hub is a proposed renewable energy project in the Riverina being developed by Spark Renewables. The proposal includes solar and wind generation, and battery energy storage. For more details visit

Spark Renewables is considering several ways for the local host community to benefit from the Dinawan Energy Hub. Through this survey, we would like to hear whether you would be interested in these types of investment opportunities.

The Community Investment Offering under consideration by Spark Renewables would allow community members to share in the benefits of the Dinawan Energy Hub and actively participate in Australia’s transition to clean, emissions free electricity generation. By contributing their own funds as investors, community members would acquire rights to a portion of the earnings of the project.

The purpose of this survey is to determine the level of interest within the community for an investment of this type and to influence the design of this offering. Based on the interest level, Spark Renewables will decide whether to progress with the Community Investment Offering.

The survey will close on 15 December 2023. It should take approximately five minutes to complete.

Any personal details will be treated as confidential in accordance with Spark Renewables’ Privacy Policy, and will not be published or shared with any third parties.

The information you provide will be used to keep you updated on how the Community Investment Offering progresses. However, you will always have the option of opting out of these updates at any time.

For any questions or concerns, please contact Spark Renewables at

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Dinawan Energy Hub – November Update

Dinawan Energy Hub – November 2023 Update

16th November 2023

Exciting November news: the Dinawan Energy Hub (DEH) is taking shape. 

The Dinawan Energy Hub (DEH) is a proposed hybrid wind, solar and battery energy storage project to be located about halfway between Coleambally and Jerilderie, on the land of the traditional owners of the Wiradjuri people and several smaller nations of the Murrumbidgee plains. The land is currently used for grazing, which would continue once the project is constructed.

The project is a State Significant Development and will require a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Two separate development applications will be submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment: the Dinawan Wind Farm, and the Dinawan Solar Farm. The Scoping Reports can be accessed on the project website at

The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Dinawan Solar Farm is in its final stages of preparation, and we anticipate that it will be made available for public exhibition in late 2023.
This exhibition phase is a crucial step in the planning approval and assessment process, providing an opportunity for the community to examine comprehensive project plans and share their feedback by making submissions.

To facilitate engagement and address any queries or concerns, Spark Renewables intends to host community consultation drop-in sessions during the exhibition period.
We will promptly announce the details of these sessions once the exhibition dates are confirmed, ensuring an inclusive and transparent process for all stakeholders.

Find out more in our November Newsletter #4

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