

Generation Capacity:

up to

Annual Power:

up to
225,000 homes


The project will offset up to 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 emissions annually, create approximately 300 construction jobs and establish a substantial community benefits sharing program.


The Mallee Solar Farm is a proposed large scale solar farm, to be located approximately 10 kilometres north-east of Buronga in the Wentworth Shire in NSW.

The project site is within the South-West Renewable Energy Zone (REZ). The solar farm would be adjacent to the Mallee Wind Farm, a separate project being developed by Spark Renewables.

Why this site?

The proposed site has good solar irradiance and the land where infrastructure is proposed is flat and cleared of vegetation. The proposed site has direct access to high voltage transmission lines and would allow a solar farm to connect to the grid without requiring additional transmission lines to be built. It is within the South-West REZ connecting to the National Electricity Market via Project EnergyConnect, a proposed interconnector linking the NSW, South Australian and Victorian electricity transmission networks.

What is proposed?

Solar farm – up to 600 megawatts (MW) with modules mounted on single-axis tracking systems.

Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) – to store and discharge electricity as required with a storage capacity of up to approximately 300MW (AC or DC coupled) / 4 hr (1,200MWh).

Agrivoltaics pilot project – a development that incorporates horticulture production underneath or between solar panels.

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which this Project is located, including the Barkandji, Mutthi Mutthi, and Ngiyampaa peoples. We are committed to meaningful engagement with First Nations peoples and businesses throughout site investigations, procurement and the community benefit sharing program.


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The project is located in the Mallee region of New South Wales, north of the Murray River.

Currently used for broadacre cropping and livestock grazing, the project investigation area and surrounding is characterised by the large expanses of cleared land and transmission lines. The project investigation area is bisected by the existing 220kV Buronga/Balranald and Buronga /Red Cliffs TransGrid transmission lines which connect into the Buronga Substation located 1.5km to the north-west.

Adjacent to these existing easements, Project EnergyConnect will also establish an additional 330kV Buronga/Balranald transmission line and parallel to the existing line, as well as an upgrade to the 220kV Buronga/Red Cliffs transmission line.




In partnership with Boundary Bend Olives

The site presents a unique opportunity to collaborate with the agricultural industry to showcase the potential for utility-scale solar to be co-located with agricultural production. The project is being developed on land owned by Australia’s largest extra virgin olive oil producer, Boundary Bend Olives.

As part of this unique partnership Spark Renewables will promote and research combined agricultural and energy production from the land. The project will allow for sheep grazing amongst the solar arrays as well as investigating the feasibility of an agrivoltaics horticulture project within the solar farm area.


Project Status

The proposed Mallee Solar Farm is considered State Significant Development under NSW planning legislation.

The first step in the planning process is initiating community consultation and preparing a request for the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements.

The NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) will assess the development application documents and the consent authority will be the Minister for Planning or the Independent Planning Commission.

A Scoping Report, which is a formal request to the DPHI to issue its requirements known as Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs), is currently being prepared for the project and is due to be submitted to the NSW DPHI in 2024.

The SEARs will need to be addressed in a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

Formal NSW Planning Process

We are here
Proposal announced
Scoping report
SEAR's issued
EIS preparation
EIS submission and exhibition
Response to submissions
Assessing the proposal
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The Mallee Solar Farm project is in the early stages of development and will undergo a rigorous planning and assessment process prior to being approved. As part of this, we will undertake extensive community consultation and encourage all stakeholders and community members to get involved in this process. This will occur prior to a formal development application being submitted to planning authorities. Need more information? Ask us about a one on one meeting or call.

Come along to our drop in 
session at the Midway Centre

You are welcome to drop-in to our first face to face information session at any time to meet the Spark Renewables team, ask questions and learn about the proposed Mallee Solar Farm. 

The Midway Centre
6 Midway Drive, Buronga
Tuesday 30th January 2024
From 3-6pm

Community benefit sharing

The project would support local initiatives through a community benefits fund.

The community benefit program will include initiatives and engagement that support First Nations involvement.

Local input sought to inform and shape the community benefits sharing program.

There is an opportunity to coordinate benefits sharing between the Mallee Solar and Wind Farm projects.


Member of the CEC

Spark Renewables is a member of the Clean Energy Council (CEC) and a signatory to the Clean Energy Council’s Community Engagement Best Practice Charter. Our team members participate in the Council's various working groups, including community engagement and social licence, and risks of modern slavery, as well as industry directorates on wind, solar PV, large-scale storage and renewable hydrogen.

Community Benefit Sharing

We believe in sharing the benefits of our projects with the communities we operate in. We will establish a community benefit sharing program for the life of the project to provide social and environmental support to the local community, with the location-based delivery at the heart of the approach.

First Nations Participation Plan

We are committed to working with the Traditional Custodians of the land to ensure the project minimises heritage impacts whilst maximising opportunities for education, training and employment. We will set goals as part of our Industry and First Nations Participation Plan.

Jobs & Training

We prioritise the local procurement of goods and services and engagement and training of local workers wherever possible. We expect the project would bring significant benefits in the form of job creation, investment in the local infrastructure, and long-term funding for local social and environmental initiatives.

Register your interest



Step 1 - Complete

Initial identification completed; consultation ongoing.


Q1 2024

Step 2

Launch community consultation and preliminary studies

Q1 2024


Step 3

Development application and Environmental Impact Statement



Step 4

Development consent



Step 5

Construction commences



The Mallee Solar Farm represents a step-up in Spark Renewables plans to invest in the region and would form a part of the Mallee Energy Hub. The project would expand Spark Renewables portfolio and complement the Mallee Wind Farm which has been under development since 2022.

The Mallee Energy Hub is on the doorstep of Mildura, which is an important regional city and centre of industry for the NSW Murray and Victorian Loddon Mallee regions. These regions are home to highly productive agriculture, food processing and manufacturing. The region also hosts the NSW South-West Renewable Energy Zone which offers some of the best wind and solar energy resources in the country and direct access to high voltage transmission lines.

This unique positioning creates an opportunity to complement agricultural production with the local generation of low-cost renewable energy. Spark Renewables ambition for the Mallee Renewable Energy Hub is to create a catalyst for regional economic growth and a focal point for collaboration across industries.


The Mallee Energy Hub will promote the co-location of renewable energy generation and agricultural production. The cornerstone projects of the hub will include:

  • Agrivoltaics pilot project - a feasibility study and pilot project to investigate the potential to co-locate solar arrays with horticulture in partnership with Australia's largest producer of extra virgin olive oil, Boundary Bend Olives.
  • The Mallee Solar Farm – up to 600MW solar farm and BESS that will incorporate sheep grazing within the solar arrays.
  • The Mallee Wind Farm - up to 1,000 MW wind farm and BESS on land that will continue to be used for broadacre cropping.
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The project is adjacent to Mallee Wind Farm which is a separate proposal by Spark Renewables for a  large scale wind energy project. An Environmental Impact Statement for the Mallee Wind Farm is currently under preparation and is expected to be submitted in 2024. Detailed investigations and consultations for the Mallee Wind Farm have been underway since 2022 and will support the efficient development of the Mallee Solar Farm.


See all articles >>>

Mallee Solar Farm Project Announcement

The Mallee Solar Farm is a proposed large-scale solar farm, located approximately 10 kilometres to the north-east of Buronga in the NSW Wentworth Shire and the South-West Renewable Energy Zone (REZ), and is now in the early stages of development.

Read more



Documents and materials will be listed here when they become available.