Yorke Peninsula Energy Hub


A new energy hub on the Yorke Peninsula to provide clean, renewable energy to South Australia.

The proposed Yorke Peninsula Energy Hub, formerly known as the Ceres Wind Farm, is a 600 to 850 megawatt (MW) community-initiated development on South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula, the traditional lands of the Narungga people.

Acquired by Spark Renewables in May 2022, Spark Renewables is working on the revitalised project with local landowners to examine solar generation capability and connectivity to Adelaide via an undersea cable, as well as exploring opportunities to support requirements for firmed renewable generation to underpin hydrogen production. 

Pre-development Application

Yorke Peninsula, South Australia


Generation capacity:
~600-850 MW

Wind turbines:

Solar panels:



The proposed project is being developed by Spark Renewables, one of Australia’s leading developers and long-term owners of renewable energy generation assets. Read more about us and our team.


The proposed Yorke Peninsula Energy Hub is located on unconstrained land ~20km south-west of Ardrossan.

The site has an excellent wind resource and the location provides for a strong grid connection, as the project could connect directly into Adelaide via High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) submarine cables across Gulf St Vincent. The HVDC connection eliminates the current transmission constraints on the Yorke Peninsula, ensures a strong marginal loss factor and low risk of curtailment.

Yorke Peninsula Energy Hub map


Project status

The originally proposed Ceres Wind Farm project first received a Development Approval from the State Commission Assessment Panel in 2014, which subsequently lapsed in Jun 2021 after several planning extensions were granted.

Spark Renewables is looking to prepare a revitalised development application, refreshing previous environmental studies and considering any proposed changes in infrastructure (e.g. newer turbines, the inclusion of solar generation and grid connection) and planning laws. Spark Renewables is in the early stages of revitalising the proposed Yorke Peninsula Energy Hub development, and will undergo a rigorous planning and assessment process prior to the commencement of any construction.

Torrens Island Green Energy Hub

Spark Renewables is a partner in an AGL-led feasibility study into the development of a facility at its Torrens Island site.

The study is exploring the production of green hydrogen, ammonia, and synthetic methane at Torrens Island, with the aim of establishing a clean hydrogen industry in South Australia and turning the Torrens Island Power Station site into an industrial energy hub to support local markets and green export product.

Planning authority

Relevant legislation for obtaining development approval for the project will be via the Hydrogen and Renewable Energy Act 2023 and Planning, Development and Infrastructure Regulations 2017.

We are here
Proposal announced

To industry, government and community

Crown sponsorship application

Overview of project proposal

EIS Preparation

Community engagement and technical studies to inform the EIS

EIS Submission

Public exhibition for agency and community comment

Response to submissions

Addressing comments and issues raised about the EIS in a Response to Submissions Report

Assessing the proposal

Assessment and recommendation by SCAP

Determination of the proposal

SCAP decides the proposal

Community consultation

As part of the planning and development process, we will be undertaking extensive consultation with the community, stakeholders and Traditional Custodians of the land. The consultation will take place via community drop-in sessions, community briefings, surveys, one-on-one meetings, newsletters, our project website, and social media. We encourage all stakeholders and community members to get involved.

Find out more and have your say:

  • Sign up to newsletters.
  • Request a one-on-one meeting or call.
  • Provide feedback via surveys.

If you have questions, feedback or would just like to register for future updates, please complete this short online form. You can also leave a message at 1300 271 419 to speak to one of the Spark Renewables team.


Member of the CEC

Spark Renewables is a member of the Clean Energy Council (CEC) and a signatory to the Clean Energy Council’s Community Engagement Best Practice Charter. Our team members participate in the Council's various working groups, including community engagement and social licence, and risks of modern slavery, as well as industry directorates on wind, solar PV, large-scale storage and renewable hydrogen.

Community benefit-sharing

We believe in sharing the benefits of our projects with the communities we operate in. We will establish a community benefit sharing program for the life of the project to provide social and environmental support to the local community, with the location-based delivery at the heart of the approach. The program will include a substantial community fund as well as a neighbour benefit scheme.

First Nations Participation Plan

We are committed to working with the Traditional Custodians of the land to ensure the project minimises heritage impacts whilst maximising opportunities for education, training and employment. We will set goals as part of an Industry and First Nations Participation Plan.

 Jobs & training

We prioritise the local procurement of goods and services and engagement and training of local workers wherever possible. We will contact all businesses and individuals who have registered their details to discuss potential opportunities if the project is approved and proceeds to construction.


Initial identification completed, consultation ongoing

Step 1 - in progress

Project identification

Initial identification completed, consultation ongoing

Step 2

Community Consultation and Preliminary Studies


Step 3

Commencement of studies to support a Development Application and Environmental Impact Statement



Step 4

Development consent



Step 5

Financial investment decision


Step 6


Step 7



Documents and materials will be listed here when they become available.

  • Wind Farm FAQ